Simmer Down Fans, Simmer Down Now: Stop bashing the other school’s recruits

With college football signing day in the rear view mirror, fans have had a chance to see how they did compared to other school. “Hey, I got three 5-star recruits and you only got one 4-star!” Such exchanges are fine as I’m all for school sprit and competition. But there …

Amen, Coach K

“People might not think this, but I was cheering like crazy for Roy.” I was born and bred a Tar Heel. But I have always also supported the ACC and have strongly believed that the ACC should support its own. Even if that means pulling for Dook Duke when they …

NCSU Football beats Boston College – A photographer’s experience

As one of the team photographers for NC State, I have the great fortune of having behind-the-scenes access. I have seen some of my colleagues do some great photography in the locker room as players prep for the game, taping their wrist etc, and post game celebrating. My good friends …

My 5 seconds of fame

I was photographing the 2006 Men’s ACC tournament this year and as usual, it was a circus. Someone sent me the below photo after seeing me in the background. Even in the carnage, I was able to snap this photo of JJ Redick and Coach K. Here are also some …