This season I will be doing a season-long behind-the-scenes photo story with the Duke wrestling team. While I have photographed a few wrestling meets, working with a team and trying to get photos off the mat is new to me. So it will be a learning process, but that challenge …
I took some photojournalism students to the NC Central homecoming game Saturday. The atmosphere at NCCU was amazing and the crowds friendly. The alumni offered their tailgate food to my students and some of the student athletes struck up conversations with them.
I was mostly busy with my students but did take some time to take some photos on my own.
One of my favorite events of the year is the Duke men’s lacrosse alumni event. It is wonderful to see some old friends and catch up where they are in life. [More photos]
If you are at Koskinen Stadium at just the right moment, you can get a beautiful photo of a darkening blue sky during twilight.
[Full Gallery: UNC wrestling during 2002 Sharpie Wrestling Open]
The North Carolina Tar Heels football team kicked off their first practice of the season today in Kenan Stadium. Often I am working for the University, but today I freelanced today for Inside Carolina, filling in for Jim Hawkins who was on travel today. Below are some of my photos. You can find the entire gallery on my website as well as a smaller gallery on Inside Carolina.