2007-08 Photo Project will be….

Drum roll please…..

….the North Carolina men’s lacrosse team.

It took a long time to decide whether to go with UNC or Duke this year, but UNC’s enthusiasm when I presented the idea to them was the deal maker for me. I did not even have a chance to run it by the folks in Durham.

UNC LacrosseI talked in person with Dave Lohse, sports information director for men’s lacrosse yesterday about the project. I have known Dave almost ten years now. He was the very first person to hire me to photograph a sporting event, back when I was a student at UNC. I described what I had done last year and showed him the book of images I had together. He was extremely enthusiastic and by the next day (today), a meeting was set up with Head Coach John Haus. I ran about 5 minutes late due to construction on the Hwy 54 bridge over I-40. I was hoping that coach would be late too, but no luck; he and assistant coach Judd Lattimore were on-time and waiting on me. Both Dave and I talked to the coaches about what the project was about. He liked the idea and gave his okay to it.

We have also talked to the powers that be and they have also given their stamp of approval. So, from first pitch to Dave to final approval, it was about a 24 hour process. Now that, is efficiency.

Next Tuesday, Dave is talking to the entire team about the idea. I was suppose to be there too, but have other committments.

So, with the green light now, the project has commenced. Like with Brackman, I hope to post updates here and there as time permits. Expect some to show up on UNC official site, tarheelblue.com as well. Wish me luck. I’m really excited about helping my alma mater get some good media coverage this year.